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27.5 Mountain bike -  Mountain bikes (also called tweeners), which use a tire, approximately 27.5 inches in diameter.

29er -   Also called the “Niner” or “Dos Niner”, these beefy bikes derived their name from the size of their wheels, which are around 29 inches (740 mm) in diameter and are based on ISO 622 mm (700C) rims.


à bloc -  Riding or going "à bloc" denotes giving it all you have, going all out, riding extremely hard (which can be dangerous, leaves one in a condition where recovery is needed, and therefore susceptible to being attacked).

Aero bars -   Handlebar extensions, which mount close to the center of the handlebar and cantilever out above the front wheel. Aero bars allow riders to get into an aerodynamic position by lowering their upper body and bringing arms in-line with torso. They provide both handgrips and armrests, allowing riders to significantly lessen the pressure on their wrists and hands.

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Aero helmet - An aerodynamic helmet used in cycling sports. An aero helmet functions by smoothing the airflow around the rider's head and down their back that reduces turbulence and enables them to slip through the air more effectively.

Aerobic - Exercise at a force, which allows the body’s need for oxygen to be continually met. This force can be sustained for a long time.

Aerodynamic -   Cycling equipment's design or a riding position, which reduces wind resistance.

Air - The gap between the tires and the ground. (Both tires must be off the ground or it is not "air".) Called jammed or gotten.

All mountain -   Refers to universal trail bikes, which are mountain bikes intended to handle pretty much any trail situations you can throw at them throughout a day of riding.

Alleycat - A race usually organized by bicycle messengers or couriers. Alleycat races try to replicate some of the responsibilities that a working messenger might meet during a typical day. The races generally consist of previously undisclosed checkpoints, listed on a manifest, that a rider will have to go to; once at the checkpoint, the rider will have their manifest updated. The first rider to return with an accomplished manifest win. Alleycats were initially formalized in Toronto, Canada in 1989; however, messengers have been contesting against each other for much longer. Recently, with the boost in urban cycling, various non-messengers have been taking part in and organizing alleycat races.

Alloy -   Referring to bicycle frames made of alloy (a substance formed by melting two or more elements together, at least one of the metal) that improve properties like strength or stiffness. Alloy frames are a comparatively recent introduction to the world of bicycling.

All-rounder - A racing cyclist who do extremely well in both climbing and time trialing, and maybe a great sprinter. All-rounders are generally Team Leaders in stage races and classics cycle races both. This term also refers to a bicycle designed to function well for different terrain and uses.

Alpe d’Huez -   One of those climbs, which is so fixed in the imagination of cyclists that it comes up in ride bucket lists repeatedly. Usually, it is not the hardest climbs, which regularly features on the route of the Tour de France, but considered the most memorable as it’s 21 hairpin bends and 13 kilometers of climbing has been home to lots of pivotal race battles. It’s a famous mountain and for anyone fortunate enough to have ridden it, a ride to memorize.

Aluminum - This refers to a silver-white metallic element, which is lightweight, ductile, malleable, and not easily corroded or tarnished. Aluminum frames and machinery have been usual throughout the cycling industry for much of its history, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t unusual opportunities for progression and perfection.

Anaerobic - The exercise above the strength at which the body’s need for oxygen can be fulfilled. This intensity can be sustained only for a short time.

Anchor -   Appealing term to designate a cyclist's child. The latter are liable to "anchor" the rider at his home. Not a negative term.

Ano - Abbreviation for "anodized". To coat (a metal, particularly magnesium or aluminum) with a shielding film by chemical or electrolytic means. Rims are usually drilled and anodized ahead of being rolled into a hoop and therefore, the anodizing is already crazed when the rim is made.

Anti-zipper ripple -   Jerseys that features the anti-zipper ripple technology will have a shorter cut front, giving skintight fit in the riding position. This sort of design prevents excess fabric bulging, reduces anxiety and chaffing, and dramatically boost aerodynamics.

Apex - The sharpest region of a turn where the transition from entering to exiting takes place.

Arm warmers -   Knitted "sleeves" worn on the arms that keep wrists and lower arms warm. They are designed to be used together with a short sleeve jersey and give coverage from the wrist up to just under the shoulder.

Arrière du peloton - French word used to describe “rear of the peloton,” or those riders at the back of the main group.

ATB -   Stands for All-Terrain Bike or Biking, which is generally a synonym for MTB.

Attack- An unexpected attempt to pull forward from a rider or group of riders also called a breakaway. This tactic is most commonly used in racing.

Audax -   A cycling sport wherein participants try to cycle long distances within a pre-defined time limit. It is a non-competitive sport, whose success is measured by its completion.

Auger - To involuntarily get samples of the local geology, typically with one's face, during a crash.

Autobus -   The name entitled to the group of cyclists in a road race who form a big group behind the leading peloton. These riders are usually sprinters or domestics unworried about their end positions in the mountain stages. Their primary worry is beating the elimination time to make sure their survival in a multi-stage race such as the Tour de France.


Baby heads -   A roundish rock that is about the size and shape of a baby's head. Avoid running above it, or risk crashing.

Backie -    This term refers to informal Brit a ride on the back of someone's bicycle.

Bacon - The specific grazes that we see down cyclist’s legs, caused by scraping against the tarmac.

Bagger - A person who habitually bags out. Also called a loser.

Bagging a peak -   This term means making it to the summit of a mountain. E.g. Thirteen-mountain summit passes are, all together, less popular than its fourteeners, but the experience of reaching the peak of one can be just as rewarding as bagging a peak.  

Bagging out - When biker cancels a ride for something other than a death in the family.

Bail - To ditch or toss away your bike to avoid an imminent crash, oftentimes done mid-flight during a jump.

Balaclava -   This refers to a hat, neck gaiter, and facemask all in one, which allows you to wrap a lot of exposed skin. A good balaclava makes cycling very comfortable in winter. A great amount of heat is lost from the head, so it is necessary to keep your head warm.

Bars - On mountain bikes, it is a technically backward straight pipe (discarded as outdated in the 19th century). For road bikes, an advanced component promotes aerodynamics, body geometry, muscle teamwork, stability, and comfort.

Basecamp rides -   Creating camp and using it as the launch and end of tours.

BBAR -   Stands for British Best All-Rounder, a season-long time trial contest held in the UK. The BBAR contest is a national event aimed to find the time-trialists who can claim to be the best over a range of distances. However, all riders attaining the appropriate standard are recognized.

Bead -   A hoop, generally of heavy steel cable, which forms one edge of a tire. Sometimes made of wire (heavy and cheap) or Kevlar (light and foldable).

Beartrap -   This term either refers to slip off one pedal that causes the other pedal to slam one in the shin when one gets cracked with a pedal or the tooth-like scars that occurred from being bear trapped.

Beat -   This term either refers to ride with careless disregard to one's equipment, well-being, and/or the natural balance of the trail or used to illustrate something that is not good.

Beater - In cyclist terminology to refer to a bike as a "beater" is to illustrate a machine, which is weathered, cheap, ugly (or a mix of all three things), which you do not worry about wrecking it. Beater can be left out in the rain for days, ride on greatly salted roads, detain outside bars in dodgy neighborhoods, and generally matter to all ways of abuse as it's a beater.

Bell lap -   If the cyclists are racing the final meters of a race on a velodrome or a circuit in a city, a bell is rung at the beginning of the final lap.

Beta -   Insider details about a ride. Running or an auto beta is a person telling you how to do the moves as you go.

Beta flash -   Leading a contest through technical single-track without dabbing or dogging, but with a piece of prior knowledge hints on how to do those crux moves. Even seeing somebody do the race already classifies as "previous knowledge."

Betty -   This refers to any female cyclist.

beyond category -   The French phrase primarily used in cycle races (most particularly, the Tour de France) to allocate a climb that is "beyond categorization", extremely hard climb. Most climbs are allocated from Category 1 (hardest) to Category 4 (easiest), based on either steepness or length. A climb, which is tough than Category 1 is allocated as hors catégorie.

bibs -   A piece of cloth with an identifying number worn by a cyclist in a competition.

Bicycle shaped object -   It refers to a low price, poor quality bicycle. Usually, these bicycles are supplied in flat-pack boxes to be assembled by the owner or maybe taken to a "proper bicycle shop" to be developed, for an extra cost. You will get them in supermarkets, catalogs, the back of the newspaper, toy shops. Everywhere except a reputable specialist cycle shop.

bidon -   This refers to a metal bottle with an opening sealed with a cork. Earlier it was mounted on the handlebars, now it is mounted lower on the bicycle. 

biff -   Slang phrase for crashing a bicycle.

bike throw -   Take place in the final stage of a bike race, generally within the last few feet. A sprint is included, and at the end of the sprint, the cyclist pushes his arms ahead, stretches his back out, and try to move his bicycle as far forward as possible, getting to the end line before his opponent.

biopace -   A trade name for a kind of ovoid bicycle chainring produced by Shimano from 1983 to 1993. The design was planned to rise above the "dead zone" where the crank arms are vertical and cyclists have little mechanical benefit.

blast -   To start a big climb or ride, after getting the foot of the lengthy or daunting hill.

blocking -   A racing tactic that involves cyclists with the same interests moving up to the front of the main field while they have a team member ahead of in a break. The cyclists at the front will interrupt the pace so that the breakaway has an opportunity to get away and a planned chase never gets off the ground.

blood glucose -   The main sugar present in our blood. It comes from the food we eat and is the main source of energy for our bodies. The more we cycle, and the more energy we use, will result in our blood sugars falling quicker. We need to keep our energy levels high so taking small amounts of sugar at regular intervals will be advised. If we are cycling for a short period (20-30 minutes), then sipping a sugar drink halfway via our ride could be enough. However, longer rides will need regular blood testing. Carefully assessing our blood sugar after our ride will allow you to spot if a hypo is threatening.

blow up -   A cyclist who has gone into oxygen debt and loses the capability to maintain pace is said to have blown up; variations comprise popping, exploding and detonating. This is a temporary state than cracking or striking the wall.

boing -   Refers to a bicycle with front and/or rear suspension.

boing-boing -   Refers to a bike with complete (front and back) suspension. Might be considered unpleasant by certain holders of said bikes.

bomb -   Refers to ride with a natural disregard for personal safety.

bonk -   The severe exhausted condition caused mainly by the depletion of glycogen in the muscles since the cyclist has failed to eat or drink enough.

boost -   Refers to 10mm wider front hubs and 6mm wider rear hubs than ‘standard.’

boot -   Outer foot covering that reaches to the ankle.

booties -   A generally soft, sometimes disposable sock or bootlike covering used for warmth or protection.Booties worn above the shoes in cold weather biking similarly protect cyclists.

bottom bracket -   A component that connects a bicycle’s crankset (chainset) to its frame, allowing it to rotate freely. It includes a spindle that the crankset fixed to and the bearings that help the spindle and cranks to rotate. It fit inside the bottom bracket shell that connects the seat tube, down tube and chain.

boulder garden -   This refers to a part of the road or trail, which is covered with basketball-sized or larger boulders.

bpm -   Short for beats per minute, referring to the heartbeat. Cyclists who pay attention to heart rate data provide a new lens to gauge intensity. Instead of pedaling just before breathlessness, use a heart rate monitor to get precise feedback about your performance.

bra -   The rubber band placed inside the rim to shield the tube from the nipples.

brain -   A biking computer that generally features an odometer, speedometer, clock, and other "crucial" display modes.

brain bucket -   This refers to a helmet. Riders could hurt a lot if he/she doesn't wear a brain bucket.

brain sieve -   A helmet that features more vents than the protective surface.

brake pads -   The rubber blocks fixed to brake cantilever arms, make your bicycle stop or slow down.

brakes -   A tool to slow or stop a bicycle by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usual byways of friction.

braze-ons -   The name was given to parts of a bicycle that have been permanently fixed to the frame. The term "braze-on" derived from when these parts would have been brazed on to bicycle made of the steel frame.

break -   When riders small group or an individual have successfully opened a space before the peloton. Also known as a breakaway.

breakaway specialist -   This refers to a rider who is expert in attacking the race from the begin to show off their sponsor and to try their fortune in winning the stage without fighting with the whole peloton at the end line.

brevet -   Refers to a timed, long-distance cycling event. Brevet means a certificate that denotes the card carried by randonneurs, get stamped or signed at checkpoints along the route.

brick -   A cyclist who is a slow climber but a competent descender.

bridge -   When a single rider or smaller group of riders seal the gap between them and the rider or group before them. This term usually refers to when riders get closer to the main peloton of riders or those who are leading the race.

bring home a Christmas tree -   to ride (or crash) via thick bushes, so leaves and branches are hanging up from your cycle and helmet.

broom wagon -   This refers to a vehicle, which follows a cycling road race "sweeping" up stragglers who are not able to make it to the end within the allowed time. If a rider chooses to carry on behind the broom wagon, he ceases to be part of the group (and the race), and has to follow the standard traffic rules and laws.

bully -   Refers to ride up a vertical hill with no slowing (much) from the flatland cruising pace you come near the hill with.

bunch -   The large key group in a road bicycle race. Also known as Peloton, the field, or pack.

bunch sprint -   The riders appear near the end in massive numbers to challenge the win and try to draft their sprinters in an excellent position to claim the win. Pace higher than 60 km per hour is to be predicted.

bunny -   Similar to Betty, but used to highlight the body of the female rider; could be considered offensive to some or simply refers to the female novice rider.

bunny hop -   A bicycle trick, which allows the cyclist to launch their bicycle into the air as if jumping off a ramp. The bicycle's pedal seems to join the cyclist's feet as the bicycle becomes airborne, much like how a skateboard seems to join the skater's feet performing an Ollie.

burrito -   A rim-braking shell, which bent inward towards the tube, creating a part that looks rolled like a burrito. Also referred to as the best post-ride food.

bust -   A phrase used similarly like the verb "to do" only with more stress. e.g. "He busted a massive air above that jump."

buzz -   This term is either used to describe the euphoric feeling. Generally used after a main hard passage is effectively completed or to touch wheels, or ride in extremely close pattern from the back.


cadence -   This refers to the total revolutions of the crank/minute; this is the rate at which a rider is pedaling or rotating the pedals. It is directly related to the speed of the wheel but is a different amount and changes with gearing—that find out the ratio of crank rpm to wheel rpm.


cage - The front derailleur's part the chain passes through. Also, that object, which holds your water bottle is known as bottle cage.

calipers - The side pull, center-pull, and disc brake part, which joins to the frame and holds the brake shoes.

Campagnolo - An Italian producer of bicycle equipment with headquarters in Vicenza, Italy.

campy -   The phrase used for Campagnolo.

cantilever  - Refers to bicycle brakes, which fixed to the side of the frame or fork, need special brazed-on fittings on the frame. The brake comprises two separate arms, each of which is independently fixed to the frame or fork.


strong>cantilever brakes - Type of brake wherein each arm is joined to a separate pivot point on one side of the seat stay or fork.

captain - This refers to the rider who is riding in the front seat. He is in charge to navigate the tandem bicycle safely.

captain crash -   To 'go down with the ship' when collapsing a bicycle.

caravan -   The long row of vehicles that lead and follow the racers.

caravane -   Refers to the march of team cars and support vans following the race. These contain food, drink, and technical support for all the riders.

carbohydrate - Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (that includes sugars, starches, and celluloses) compound, most of which are produced by green plants and which contains a major category of animal foods. Carbs supply energy for workouts and provide ample fuel to be used all through the day.

carbon fiber -   The lightest framework and component materials, which is a fabric, not a metal. This allows delicate weights, unbelievable strength, and impressive frame/fork compliance (vibration damping) as the fibers can be oriented in numerous ways.

cardiovascular -   The circulatory system that contains the heart and blood vessels, takes nutrients and oxygen to the body tissues and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from them. Cycling is highly beneficial for cardiovascular health.

cargo loading - Energy-enhancing activity for the days before a race or event, where the rider consumes lots of carbohydrates to store the fuel for the race. Most cyclist's preferred part of the training.

carve - To cut with care or accuracy

cashed - To be very tired to ride any farther; bonked.

cassette -   The gears cluster on the back wheel of a bicycle. A cassette is different from a freewheel as it fits onto a splined border on the hub. Freewheels are generally fit onto threaded hubs.

catch air - Due to rise or dip in the riding surface,  when both wheels of the bicycle leave the ground is termed as catch air.

categories -   Designations (the cat I, II, III, IV, V) used by the USA Cycling governing body to rate cyclists' abilities and determine in which group they race. Category I is the quickest and category V is entry-level.

CEN -   This refers to a European adult and standard for a child's bike helmet.

century -   A 100 miles road cycling club-sponsored event. Many cycling clubs sponsor century ride yearly for social cause and fund-raising.

ceramic -   Refers to rims with ceramic braking surfaces that enhance stopping power and reduces the mess generally occurred by high-powered brake shoe compounds make of aluminum.

chain gang -   A group of riders cycling in a close-knit arrangement similar to a road race, generally for the training purpose.

chain slap -   The tendency of the chain to lift and down and hit ("slap") the chainstay when cyclists are riding over bumps.

chain suck -   During a downshift, when the chain sticks to the chainring teeth and is drawn up and jammed among the small ring and the frame.

chainring -   Also known as "chainwheel," this is the sprocket fixed to the crank. Multiply the number of chainrings by the number of cogs (on the back wheel) to find out the total number of gears on a bike. 

chainring tattoo -   Also called a “rookie mark,” usually the patterned grease spots left on a leg of cyclists after unintentionally pressing against the chainring. 

chainstay -   The double smaller-diameter tubes on a bicycle frame that runs from the base bracket to the back axle. They are called chainstays as they are close to the chain.

chamois -    The pad present inside most cycling shorts, which cushions, wicks, and breaths to make sure good comfort and protection. It also decreases friction and is seam-free to remove pressure points and chafing. Earlier it was made of thin leather, now made of synthetic material that often comprises antibacterial properties for extra protection and comfort.

chase -   Groups of riders, who are in front of the peloton, usually try to join the race or stage leader(s).

chasers -   Those who are attempting to catch a group or a front rider.

cheese grater -   To grind off bicycle parts.

chicane -   A tight turn's sequence, often s-shaped, generally most crucial near the end of a road-race or during a criterium.

chondromalacia -   This term is used to describe a patellofemoral joint, which has been structurally damaged. The underlying cartilage started to deteriorate, a condition is common in young cyclists.

chunder -   This term is used to describe extremely rocky, technical terrain—especially a rock-strewn downhill.

chute -   A French word, generally used for fall and refers to the very steep gully.

circle of death -   The hardest stage of Tour de France in the Pyrenees.

circuit -   A course, which is ridden two or more times to arrange the race

circuit training -   Usually, this phrase refers to a weight training method where cyclist moves rapidly from one resistance exercise to another with short or no rest breaks at all.

classic -    A one-day race of high esteem.

clean -   Slang used for making it through a complicated section of trail without placing a foot down as in, "I cleaned Slick rock trail yesterday."

cleanie -   Either this term refers to someone who wishes to remain clean or a wimp who will not have excitement stays on the clean trails.

cleat -   The parts, which are fixed to the soles of cycling shoes, connect the shoes to the pedals for more competent pedaling.

climb categories -   Designations used in the Tour de France to rate complexity. Climbs are graded on a scale of 1 to 3, with Category 1 being the most rigorous. Riders are rewarded points toward the King of the Mountains contest based on two things: their order above the top and the complexity of climb.

climber -   A cyclist who specializes in riding uphill rapidly, usually because of having a high power-to-weight ratio.

clincher -   Refers to bicycle tires having steel wire or Kevlar fiber bead, which interlocks with flanges in the rim.

clincher tires -   Tires that have a separate tire and tube, the latter restore after a puncture.

clip out -   Either refer to click out or to separate one's spuds. 

clipless -   The deceptive name for a pedal-and-shoe system where the clips or cleats clip onto the soles of particular shoes. Called "clipless" as we can't see the clips when we are clipped in.

clipless pedals -   A system consists of special pedals and cleats, devices included with the pedals, which fix to the soles of clipless cycling shoes. This means that cyclist has to choose pedals and shoes to upgrade to a clipless system.

cloon -   Banging into the ground that causes a ringing head or a delay in the action.

closed circuit -   A racecourse, which is completely closed to traffic. Closed circuits are usually used in criteriums or road races, which use a comparatively short lap (2-5 miles).

closing the door -   A strategic shift during a sprint where the leader is less than a bike length in front of a stronger sprinter and said stronger sprinter is between the leader and the course wall.

cluster -   This refers to an assembly of gears. Also called a cassette.

clydesdale -   This refers to a larger rider.

cockrotter -   One who permits his bicycle to fall in disrepair, and whose bicycle always fails him at some point in every ride. These riders do not know why their bicycle always breaks, and often buy new parts to keep their bicycle in good condition.

cog -   A sprocket on the back wheel’s cassette or freewheel. The front gears are called chainrings, while the back gears are cogs.

col -   Refers to a mountain pass, consider as the highest part of a road, in between two higher mountaintops.

coldblack -   The name of the fabric, which forms the front, back, and side panels of cyclist's Core 1 jersey. It is made to reduce the absorption of thermal radiation, and obstruct UV rays.

commissaire -   In competitive cycling, this refers to an official who is equivalent to an umpire or referee in other sports. Cycling events generally need two or more commissaires to fulfill different responsibilities such as supervising pre-and post-race formalities, meeting cyclists and race officials, checking the fulfillment of devices, monitoring compliance with the regulations, maintaining safety, etc.

compact crankset -   A double-chainring crankset that is intended to offer easy gearing by using smaller chainrings than present on standard cranksets. These typically include 39- and 53-tooth rings, while compacts generally have 34- and 50-tooth rings.

components -   Refers to the handlebars, crankset, derailleurs, brakes, pedals, Seatpost and many more individual parts on your bicycle.

condom -   The small plastic or rubber component, which protects the tube's valve stem from rim damage.

contact patch -   The part of a tire connected with the ground.

corncob -   Also called a "straight block," a cassette or freewheel on which every cog is one tooth bigger than the prior one (as you lift the cassette to bigger sprockets).

corndog -   To become wrapped up in silt, generally after a fall.

counterattack -   An attack carried out when a break has been caught by chasers or the peloton.

Coup de Chacal -   Jackal Trick or Cancellara's Trick, which is an unpredicted attack in the two last kilometers to separate from the peloton and, lastly, win the race.

CPSC -   The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission set a helmet standard for bicycle called CPSC.

crack -   When a rider runs out of power or energy, they are said to have cracked.

cranial disharmony -   This term used to describe a condition that signifies how one's head feels after augering.

crank -   The arm, which joins the pedals to the chainrings.

crank arm -   Refers to one of the two arms of a crankset (each one connects a pedal to the base bracket).

crank pipe -   The small pipe-shaped adaptor essential to inflate the tires on a disk wheel as there is no space for a pump head.

crankset -   The bicycle drivetrain assembly, which converts the cyclist's reciprocating pedaling action to revolving motion. It includes two cranks (or arms), one or more chain wheels(or chainrings), with the stack bolts that join them. Sometimes the base bracket is included.

crater -   Be unsuccessful to remain on the trail on the side of the 50-foot drop-off or refers to bonk.

crayon -   A crash, which results in major road rash.

creamed - Either refers to cream crackered, Knackered or extremely tired.

criterium -   A kind of multi-lap road race held on a comparatively short course usually around a city block. Also known as a "crit".

crosstraining -   When cyclist participates in other sports such as running, hiking, swimming, etc. for training.

cyclocross -   A kind of off-season bicycle racing (October through January) around a loop path that consists of natural and man-made hurdles, forcing dismounting and running while carrying the bicycle.

cyclocross bike -   A bicycle intended for the rigors of cyclocross racing with a light, reactive, and rugged structure, fork, and wheels, along with wide gearing, grippe tires, and full mud clearance. These kinds of bicycles are useful for commuting, training, off-roading, and training.


dab -   When cyclist touches their foot to the ground to hold himself or herself up.

dance -   Standing and getting a nice rhythm on a climb.

danseuse -   Riding out of the saddle. Generally, in a high gear than normal and rocking side to side for advantage.

death cookies -   Fist-sized rocks, which bang your bicycle in every direction but the one you want to keep in.

death grip -   An overly rigid grip on the handlebars, caused by dread of terrain, which results in endo or other adverse disasters.

death march -   A ride, which turns into a test of your endurance limit.

derailleur -   The device on the bicycle that changes gears. You might have zero, one, or two derailleurs, depending on your bicycle.

descender -   A rider who excels at quick descents.

DFL -   This refers to the cyclist who comes last in a bicycle race.

dialed in -    When everything on a cyclist bicycle is working perfectly, he/she is said to be “dialed in.”

diesel -   A cyclist who has a constant energy output, without any bursts of pace, is said to be a diesel or diesel engine.

digger -   Refers to a1 face plant. “Watch that person on the gnarly single track… he’s going to go above the bars and do a digger.”

directeur sportif -   Someone who supervises a cycling team during a road bicycle-racing event. These officials follow the team in a car and talk with riders, personnel, and race authority on the radio.

dirt bike -   Refers to an off-road motorcycle.

disc brake -   A type of bicycle brake using the friction of pads against a disc attached to the wheel. It contains a metal disc, or "rotor", fixed to the wheel hub, which revolves with the wheel. Calipers are joined to the frame or fork along with pads, which press the rotors for braking. 

dishing a wheel -   Referring to the necessity of building a rear wheel off-center of the hub body, to put up the freewheel on one side -- the broader the freewheel, the more the wheel required to be dished.

DNF -   Stands for Did Not Finish, which denotes that the rider started but did not finish the race.

DNR -   Stands for Did Not Race. When you list for a bicycle race or a century ride and then for any reason can't be able to perform it, the officials will generally put DNR next to your name.

DNS -   Stands for Did Not Start, which denotes a competitor, for whatsoever reason, does not start a race.

dolphin hop -   A technique similar to a bunny hop, but performed differently. The cyclist pulls a wheelie, then moves far ahead to pitches his bicycle down, moving the wheelie to the back as hurdle passes beneath.

domestique -   A cyclist who does the beneficial work for his/her team and leader, rather than attempting to win the race. 

door prize -   This term is used when a cyclist crashed with the open door of a parked car while cycling.

double-butted -   The frame of the bicycle tube with a higher wall thickness at both ends, to cut the weight of the tubing for a specified weight.

doubletrack -   Overgrown road, which is like two parallel trails.

down tube -   The frame portion, which attaches the head tube and the bottom bracket.

downhill -   A kind of mountain biking and racing. When we talk about indoor cycling classes, it means lowering your resistance to replicate going down a hill.

downshift -   Shifting to a lower gear that is a larger cog or smaller chainring.

downstroke -   This is the usual action of riding a bicycle by using the dominant quadriceps muscles to push the pedals down. Many novice cyclists tend to use a rough stabbing style but this mistake tends to occur from not integrating the other three parts.

draft -   Cyclists generally turn through a line, taking rotation riding upfront (pulling) before peeling off and latching onto the back. When cyclist draft likes this, by tucking in close behind other cyclists, he/she uses less energy, to the tune of up to a 27% decrease in wind resistance.

drafting -   Cycling behind other cyclists so they obstruct the wind for you. Cyclists like to take benefit of this because it needs about 30% less energy. 

drillium -   This term is used to describe bicycle components, which have been customized using drilling holes in them or machining them to reduce weight and add more qualities.

drivetrain -   The entire automatic system, which converts pedaling into the forwarding movement. Drivetrains consist of the pedals, chainrings, chain, cranks, cassette, front and rear derailleurs, etc. It is the engine of a bicycle.

drop -   To be dropped is to be left after an escape or the peloton for any reason (e.g. the cyclist cannot maintain the tempo needed to stay with the group). To drop anyone is to speed up strongly to cause following cyclists to no longer earn the advantage of drafting.

drop-off -   A mountain bike trail's steep section is termed as drop-off.

dropout -   On a bicycle frame, the slots into which the front and back wheel axles fit.

dropped -   When someone is not fit enough to ride with the group, he/she risks being left behind, or “dropped.”

drops -   Also known as, double track, which is a dirt road mostly used by four-wheeled automobile hardly ever that their tires have created ruts that became parallel singletracks.


eat it -   Slang phrase used for the crash.

echelon -   Line of cyclists seeking maximum drafting in a crosswind, which results in a diagonal line across the road.

echlon -   A diagonal paceline that changes the single-file configuration for a crosswind.

elastomer -   A compressible, rubber-like material, which is utilized to absorb distress in some suspension systems.

electrolytes -   Generally, salts and minerals found in our body tissues, muscles, and blood. Electrolytes regulate thirst and allow your muscles and nerves to function. It helps your muscles function at their peak, optimizing your riding performance, and manage your overall health.

endo -   Stands for end-over or end-over-end, is a kind of pitch above crash where the rider goes over the handlebars, the weight offset of which result in an inertial moment to work about the front wheel resulting in back part of the bicycle to flip in the air over and behind him.

enduro -   A kind of mountain bike racing in which the downhills are timed and the uphills are compulsory but not timed. Riders are timed in stages, which are mainly downhill, with neutral "transfer" stages in between.

engine -   A colloquial term for a rider.

enscarfment -   Break for food at the edge of a cliff.

ergometer -   An instrument, which measures the quantity of work done by the individual peddling the bicycle.

espoir -   Cycle competitions are performed on an age basis until the age of 23. Espoirs is below 23 years old but over 18 (i.e. age between 19 to 22)

étape -   This refers to a stage of a cycle race.

Excedrin descent -   Bone jarring downhill, which shock cyclist's brain.

extreme -   The only adjective, which describes a valuable sport.  


face plant -   Slang for a cycling accident, which causes face hitting the pavement.

fair grunt -   An expression completely used nonchalantly by others to depict a death march, in hopes others will attempt it, fail, and revere them as bicycle gods.

false flat -   A low-gradient climb, usually occurring partway up a steeper climb. So-called because while it may look deceptively flat and easy (especially after the steep climb preceding it), it is still a climb.

fartlek -   A Swedish phrase, which means, “Speed play,” it is a training practice based on unstructured changes in speed and intensity. Fartlek training is less demanding in cycling.

fast finisher -   A cyclist who has better sprinting speed over the last few hundred meters of a race.

fat bike -   An off-road cycle with extra-large tires, usually 3.8 in (97 mm) or bigger and rims 2.16 in (55 mm) or broader, made for low ground pressure to permit riding on soft, uneven terrain like mud, snow, bogs, and sand.

feed zone -   Specific parts of racecourses chosen by race officials to deliver the food and drink to riders. In these specific areas support staff of the teams is allocated on one side of the road to hand off bottles and/or bags containing food and drink, which can be simply slung over the shoulder.

feeling nedly -   When older cyclists are having a particularly strong outing.

ferrules -   Plastic or metal caps, which fit on the ends of cable housing. There are different types of caps, some are used to give an ideal fit between the housing and stops the housing fit on the frame.

field -   This refers to the rider's group, also called a peloton.

field sprint -   This term refers to a final sprint that involves a large group of riders, not essentially for first place.

filet brazing -   The magical skill of brazing high-end metal bicycles. Brazing is known as a lower temperature process as compared to welding. It utilizes a bronze rod to form a fillet--a French word for the ribbon.

first blood -   Credit to the first cyclist in a group who is crashed and begins bleeding.

fishtail -   When the back end locks and slides about behind you. Take place during powerful braking on loose terrain.

fit kit -   A set of devices and directions to weigh a person’s body to advice a bicycle fit. This is the previous bicycle fit technique that made the assumption a “formula” could find out how every person should be positioned aboard a bicycle.

fixed -   Slang used for a fixed-gear bicycle or fixed-wheel bicycle, also known as a fixie. This bicycle has a drivetrain without a freewheel mechanism. While speeding up, the pedal crank drives the wheel, however, in other conditions; the back wheel can drive the pedal cranks.

fixed gear -   A single-speed bicycle, which has a drivetrain without a freewheel mechanism. It means when the back wheel is turning, the pedals are rotating (forward or backward!).

fixie -   This refers to a single-speed bicycle.

flail -   When a cyclist rides badly without any control.

flamme rouge -   A red flag demonstrated with one kilometer remaining from the end line of a race. Generally suspended above the road.

flash -   When a cyclist clears a technical pitch without dabbing, particularly if he/she has no previous experience on the route.

flex -   When the structure doesn't stay put when riders mash the brakes, mash the pedals, or perform other normal things.

flick -   To whip a bicycle through sweet singletrack.

follow a wheel -   The skill to follow a wheel is the skill to match the speed of cyclists who are setting the tempo. Following is simpler than pulling or setting the tempo and the phrase can be used offensively too.

foot fault -   When a cyclist cannot disengage his/her cleats from the pedals before falling over.

forcing the pace - When a cyclist or team raises the speed of the race to the point that other cyclists have a problem keeping up.

fork -   The part of a bicycle frame which holds the front wheel. A fork usually consists of two blades, which are fixed at the top by a fork crown. The crown generally remains at the front.

frame table -   A big sturdy table, Which Will Not Flex and has anchors at important places -- dropouts, bottom bracket, seat, head. It includes places to fix correct measuring instruments like dial gauges, scratch needles, etc. The frame is fixed to the table and out-of-line portions are yielded into alignment.

frameset -   Refers to the bicycle frame with the front fork. A frameset generally includes the frame and front fork plus the headset and seat post. Frame builders will usually make the frame and fork together as a paired set.

fred -   A derisive phrase used by "serious" road cyclists to depict other cyclists who do not conform to serious road cyclists' standards regarding dress and equipment, and come out amateurish to them. The term is generally used for men, while the odd female Fred is sometimes known as a "Doris."

free ride -   Mountain biking discipline closely related to downhill biking and dirt jumping, paying attention to tricks, style, and technical trail features. Currently, it is recognized as one of the most admired disciplines within mountain biking.

freewheel -   A ratchet part in the rear hub of a bicycle wheel, which allows the wheel to rotate freely while the pedals are stationary.

front wheelie -   The stoppie is a bicycle trick wherein the rear wheel is lifted and the bicycle is ridden on the front wheel by cautiously applying brake pressure. It is also known as an endo, or less commonly, a front wheelie.

Full On Conditions -   Biking with the possibility of running into rigorous foul weather conditions.

full tuck -   When cyclists have an extremely crouched position for maximum speed on descents.


G.C. -    The category which tracks overall times for cyclists in multi-stage races generally called a General Classification. In every stage, there will be one winner, but the overall winner will be the one who has the fastest time when the entire stage results are combined.

Gap -   A distance between two or more cyclists high for drafting, no longer effective. Gaps are generally attained through attacks, on mountain climbs, where slower pace means the benefit of drafting is much less important, riders are usually gapped who simply cannot sustain the tempo of the faster cyclist. A gap can even refer to the room in between a jump and the landing, which is general in mountain biking.

gear cluster -   Refers to gear's assembly generally described by their configuration. Also called a cassette.

gear ratio -   The purpose behind several gears on a bicycle -- whether it's an earlier "10-speed" bicycle or a modern mountain bike with 24 gears -- is to allow you vary the distance that the bicycle travel ahead with every pedal stroke. For instance, a general bicycle has 26 inches diameter wheel. The "lowest" gear ratio on the bicycle could be a front chain wheel with 22 teeth and a back gear having 30 teeth. That means its gear ratio is 0.73-to-1.

getting air -   The currency exchange for cylinders that contains a mixture of compressed nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gasses.

giblets -   The entire colorful components that you can add or change out on a bicycle.

giro d’Italia -   Tour of Italy even called the Giro. It is a yearly multiple-stage bicycle race mainly organized in Italy, while also beginning in, or passing through, other countries.

glutes -   The largest muscle in a body. It’s important to have powerful pedal strokes.

glycogen -   To have quick access to glucose when required, surplus glucose in the blood is stored in a form called glycogen. It can be rapidly broken down to provide glucose as required.

glycogen window -   After a race, the body is best placed to consume nutrients. Generally, the cyclist has 30 – 45 minutes where their “glycogen window” is open to consuming a recovery snack.

gnarly -   A term used in the '80s for a particularly steep and rough section of trail.

gnarly dude -   Refers to Southern Californian for Gnarly. Gnarly is when you have gone past radical, further than extreme, it's balls out risk, & or precision, & or skill or all of that combined.

gonzo -   This term either refers to treacherous, severe. E.g. "That vertical drop was pure gonzo." or refers to riding with irresponsible abandon. Not generally suitable for singletrack.

gorp -   Refers to good ol’ raisins and peanuts, a rich mix for drinking during rides. It can also contain nuts, seeds, M&Ms, granola, etc.

granny gear -   The lowest gear ratio, which combines the small chainring with the biggest cassette cog. It is generally used for extreme steep climbs. This name is derived after the gear, which grandmothers use most often.

granny ring -   This is the smallest of the three chainrings present on a triple crankset.

grate -   The activity of creating bacon or little flaps of detached skin, against either the ground or a bicycle component.

gravity check -   This term refers to a fall or a crash.

grindies -   This term can be explained in the example only i.e. “All that waterless mud and sand left me with a noisy case of the grindies in my drivetrain.”

gripped -   Paralyzed with terror and completely confused.

group -   Also called Groupset, which is a set of parts generally from one manufacturer that includes hubs, bottom bracket, brakes, derailleurs, shifters, along with the headset, pedals, and Seatpost.

grunt -   An extremely difficult climb, which needs the use of a bicycle’s easiest gear.

gruppetto -   A group of riders who form a big group behind the leading peloton.

gutter bunny -   Refers to the cyclists who are cranking along the snowbanks every morning in January, huffing home fretting bullets in August, and pedaling off to a job, come rain, shine and all in between.

guttered -   Not able to get into the slipstream of the echelon due to the partial width of the road.


half-track -   Very narrow and/or dense trail that you would hesitate even to call it singletrack.

half-wheel or half-wheeler -   When you are riding at the back of someone and you let your front wheel move in on the rear wheel of their bicycle. This is one of the dangerous moves as the other cyclist not able to see what you are doing. If they swing over unexpectedly, you could collide.

hammer -   Pedaling firm in the large gears that have the most resistance and pack the great power.

hammered -   Someone who declines to EVER ride easy.

hamstrings -   The muscle present on the backside of the thigh, not well grown by cycling.

hand plant -   A crash where cyclists fall is wrecked only by cheese grating their hands. Best if executed wearing bicycle gloves.

handicap -   A type of road racing in Australasia in which riders are given different beginning times, based on their previous performance, so even slower riders get a chance to win the race.

hanging in -   This is what cyclist does when they are tired on a group ride, but keep attempting and cope up to stick to the back of the group

hanging on -   Riding in the slipstream of other riders, however, being lethargic and refusing to take your chance in at the front.

hardcore -   This refers to the word of honor and amazement.

hardtail -    Any bicycle, which has front suspension but no back suspension.

head tube -   The cycle's tubular frame part within which the front fork steerer tube is attached.

header -   Going above the handlebars is termed as a header.

headset -   The group of components on a bicycle, which offers a rotatable border between the fork and the head tube of the bicycle frame.

hill climb -   Refers to a short distance uphill race, generally an individual time trial over approximately 3 to 5 km.

Hit the wall -   When cyclist completely running out of energy on a long ride, also called a "bonking"

honk -   This term either refers to vomit because of cycling exertion or to grab tough on the bar ends while climbing to enhance torque and traction on the back wheel.

honking -   The English phrase for cycling out of the saddle, its French word is 'danceuse', dancing. Riding out of the saddle permits cyclist to put more of their body weight onto the pedal during the downstroke.

hook -   Locking handlebars or wheels, and drop in a bloody pile of metal and muscle.

hooks -   The dropped part on dropped handlebars. Generally, drops are the lower section of a down-turned handlebar usually present on a road bike. The curved parts are known as hooks.

horizontal track stand -   A foot mistake, which occurs at a stop sign.

hors catégorie, or HC -   The French word mainly used in cycle races (especially, the Tour de France) to designate a climb, which is "beyond categorization", an extremely difficult climb. Generally, a climb, which is difficult than Category 1 is designated as hors catégorie.

hors délai -   Riders must complete each stage within a certain period, those who fail to complete within that time are said to be hors délai, or “beyond the limit,” and must leave the race.

hose-pipes -   Large-section tubular tires, which are much heavier than racing tubular.

hub -   The bicycle wheel's center cylinder, which allows the wheel to revolve around one point.

hucker -   Someone who is evicted wildly through the air and does not land on his/her feet

hunger knock -   Generally known as hitting the wall or the bonk, which is a phase of sudden fatigue and loss of energy,  caused by the decrease of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles.

hybrid -   A bicycle, which combines features of road and mountain bikes. Also known as a cross bike.

hydrate -   Drinking water while riding as it is crucial for the functioning of your body, particularly when you are participating in the strenuous cycling event.

hydraulic -   An essence of brakes that use brake fluid, to transfer weight from the controlling mechanism to the braking mechanism.

hyperglide -   The name entitled by cycling component producer Shimano to a sprocket design in their bicycle derailleur tooth cassette systems. It is designed in a way that the chain moves from one sprocket to the subsequent, it will connect the new sprocket before it has derailed from the old one. This makes for easy, silent moving.


idiot lever -   The gimmicky brake help lever present on some older road bicycle, which helps the cyclist to brake with his hands on the bar's top, rather than on the brake hoods or the drops.

IMBA -   Stands for International Mountain Biking Association, which is an association for trial advocacy.

impedimentia -   All the junk on a bicycle, which hinders performance and looks bad.

individual time trial -   A road bicycle race wherein riders race only against the clock. It is even referred to as "the race of truth", as winning based only on each strength and endurance of cyclists.

intermediate sprint -   For keeping, the race active there perhaps points along the racecourse where the riders will sprint for time bonuses or other rewards (premiums, or "preems").  Even known as "Hot Spots".

intervals -   Bicycle workouts that make cyclists fast.  Cyclist simply goes hard for some time followed by going simple and repeating as the workout assigned.

involuntary dismount -   Refers to fall off or a crash. It often brings much fun to those who see your action.

isolés -   An independent rider's class in the Tour de France. Also known as a Touriste-Routier or Individuel.


jam -   This refers to a stage of hard, speedy cycling.

jersey -   A shirt created for cycling. Jerseys are usually brightly colored for visibility when riding and made of fabrics, which wick humidity away from the skin and keep cyclists dry and comfortable while pedaling.

jet -   To accelerate rapidly; to go extremely fast.

JRA -   This word comes from bicycle shop humor, which generally means “Just Riding Along”.

jump -   When cyclists aggressively boost speed without warning, confidently gaining a substantial advantage over opponents. It also refers to an effort to bridge a space from the peloton to a breakaway.


kack -   A shin injury occurs during trails or technical riding.

keirin -   This refers to a "racing cycle" which is a type of motor-paced cycle racing wherein track cyclists sprint for a win following a speed-controlled start after a motorized or non-motorized pacer.

kick -   Accelerating rapidly with little pedal strokes in an attempt to break away from other riders

kicker -   A steep section that either sends you toward a much superior elevation on the trail or gives you the best deal of air time.

kick-out -   A bunny hops wherein the cyclist pushes the back tire to one side.

King of the Mountains -   This term either refers to the title given to the greatest climber in a cycling road race. Also called Gran Premio della Montagna (GPM) in Italian cycling or the quickest rider on any division such as uphill, downhill or flat.

kit -   A group in addition to everything else a frameset requires to make a complete bicycle.

kite -   This refers to a cyclist who is excellent at climbs but not good at descents.

knee warmers -   Sleeves worn above knees and lower legs for keeping cyclist's leg muscles, tendons, and ligament warm.

knock -   Short for "hunger knock" which describes a situation where cyclist runs out of complete energy on a long ride.

knurled -   A pattern embossed onto the sides of some steel rims to enhance the braking surface.


laché -   A French word that is used to refer to "released".

lactate threshold -   The level of exertion beyond which the body can no longer create energy aerobically, which results in the buildup of lactic acid. It creates pain, muscle fatigue, and fast breathing. Also known as the anaerobic threshold (AT).

lactic acid -   A substance created during anaerobic metabolism when there is a partial breakdown of glucose. It quickly creates muscle fatigue and pain. Also known as lactate.

Lanterne rouge -   The French word for "red lantern", as originating at the end of a railway train, and the name entitled to the cyclist placed last in a race.

large -   This term is used to denote high. For e.g. "You can get some critically large air off that fly."

laughing group -   Riders often help one another with food and drinks in spite of riding for separate teams, which is termed as "the laughing group"

LBS -   Slang used to describe a local bicycle shop; this is where “techs” and “wrenches” (bicycle mechanics) tweak steeds until they are fine as new.

lead out -   Sprinting technique frequently used by the lead-out man where the cyclist will get faster to maximum speed near to the sprint point with a team member, the sprinter, drafting at the back, hoping to make a gap between the sprinter and the pack. The aim of a lead-out is for the sprinter to attain maximum pace at the sprint approach using very low energy, so he can have high energy for the final sprint.

leech -   A rider who is drafting behind others to decrease his effort, but does not respond.

LeMond, Greg  - Former American road racing cyclist born on June 26, 1961, who twice won the Road Race World Championship and three times the Tour de France, and is renowned as the greatest American cyclist of all time.

lid -   This refers to a helmet, which is the most important piece of gear for cyclists.

limit -   First riders who get depart in a handicap race.

line -   The desirable route or strategy to take on a complex trail section or part of the road.

loop trip -   Ride, which creates a loop with no backtracking.

LSD -   Stands for Long, steady distance, generally a training method, which needs a firm aerobic pace for at least two hours.

lug -   Metal reinforced part into which the tubing for road bicycles is brazed that allows lighter tubing.

lycra -   This term denotes to a middle-aged man who is an extremely eager road cyclist, generally rides an expensive bicycle, and wears the kind of clothing connected with professional cyclists.


Madison -   A race where every team has to complete more laps than any of the other teams. Cyclists in each team change during the race, handing over to the other teammate, resting, and then returning to the race. Teams are generally of two cyclists but occasionally of three.

magic spanner -   This term is derived from the condition in cycling race when a mechanic in a support car seems to be adjusting a bicycle but in reality, is providing the cyclist a push to help them get back into the peloton.

maglia rosa -   Since 1931, the head of the general classification is recognized by a pink jersey (Italian: maglia rosa). The first cyclist to wear the maglia rosa was Francesco Camusso next to the first stage of the 1931 Giro d'Italia.

Maillot Jaune -   This refers to Yellow Jersey, which is worn by the cyclist leading in the general classification in the Tour de France.

male blindness -   When a man cyclist watches a beautiful woman ride over rough terrain and stares deeply at all the jiggling parts, which makes him very dizzy to look straight when it’s his turn to ride a similar terrain.

MAMIL -   This refers to the person riding an expensive racing bicycle for leisure and wearing top-notch jerseys and/or shorts.

mandibular disharmony -   How jaw of anyone feels when it and the handlebars try to take up the same gap and time.

mantrap -   Holes that are covered by autumn leaves or similar, showing solid earth and efficient at eating the front wheel of the innocent rider.

manual -   Lifting the face wheel off the ground by the shifting of the cyclist's weight.

Massage -   Making muscles relax from tension and knots. It can have long-term benefits for a horse by maintaining muscles so they can perform to their best potential.

Marin -   It is the region in Northern California where MTBing is called been invented.

mash -   When cyclists apply much force to the pedals while downward or usually while standing to climb a steep hill.

mass start -   Road races, cross-country races, and criteriums are some events wherein all participants must leave the beginning line at the same time.

mechanic -   Someone who can do a wide range of repairs on bicycles.

Merckx, Eddie -   Refers to the best road racers in cycling history, called the “Cannibal” for how he overcomes opponents often riding off the front apparently effortlessly. “Eddie” won the Tour de France five times.

messenger bag -   A kind of pack favored by bicycle messengers (because they might get into it without taking it out), that’s slung above the head and shoulder bandolier style.

metric century -   A 100 km or just over 62 miles (62.137 miles, to be exact) ride or race.

minute man -   During a time trial, the cyclist who is one place ahead of you in the starting order. So-called minuteman because in most time trial cyclists start on one-minute intervals.

mo -   This refers to momentum. For e.g. "If a cyclist doesn't get in gear at the base of that hill, he/she will lose their mo."

modulation -   The skill to finely and consistently choose a particular braking force, instead of moving straight from no braking power to locked wheels and an endo.

moto -   Refers to the motor official who uses a motorcycle during the cycling race event.

motor marshal -   Someone from racing staff on motorcycles who is responsible to keep a racecourse clear and safe for competitors, generally in conjunction with a rolling or protected enclosure.

motorpace -   A training technique in which cyclists ride behind a car or motorcycle to enhance the capability to ride at higher speeds.

mountainbike-aneering -   Offshoot game of mountain biking where peak bagging is a main consideration.

MTB -   Mountain bicycle designed for off-road cycling. It is similar to other bicycles, except some features such as full suspension, big knobby tires, extra durable wheels, extra powerful brakes, straight handlebars, and lower gear ratios to climb steep grades, which increases durability and performance in rough terrain.

mud bogging -   Also called mudding, mud-slinging or mud racing, is a kind of off-roading, which centers on being dirty. Simply it means driving through its slippery, dirty namesake.

mud diving -   When a cyclist is suddenly slowed by the mud and is thrown into the damp mud. If their front wheel gets stuck suddenly as much as necessary, the crash may also be an endo.

mud-ectomy -   Either refers to a shower taken after riding on a muddy trail or the act of keeping the body clean.

mudguards -   A curved part of a bicycle, which is fixed over the wheels to cut the amount of water or mud thrown up by them.

musette -   Lightweight and small cotton shoulder bag, which contain food and drink given to cyclist in a feed zone during a race. This bag can be easily grabbed by a cyclist as its shoulder strap placed above the head and one shoulder, the stuffing is then removed and kept into jersey pockets or bottles (bidons) are placed into bottle cages, after that the bag is discarded.

muur -   Refers to "Dutch for the wall" i.e. a small, steep climb. Begin from the Tour of Flanders spots such as Muur van Geraardsbergen and Koppenberg.


nard guard -   A piece of a small foam pad with Velcro straps mounted to the stem or handlebars of a bicycle to prevent a male's genitals in the event of an abrupt stop or collision.

NCCA -   Stands for National Collegiate Cycling Association, the governing body for collegiate cycling contests that include road, mountain, track, and cyclocross races.

neo-pro -   Generally refers to first-year professionals. Simply represent "any cyclists who is associated with a UCI WorldTeam or UCI Professional Continental Team for the first time during his twenty-fifth year"

neutral support -   Refers to mechanical help provided by a fair and neutral party; the neutral zone is non-racing part of the race course, generally beginning "parade laps;" It took place in a particular stage of rail crossings or mass crashes, wherein riders must slow and keep their relative positions.

neutral zone -   A short part of the road passes through by the peloton before racing formally gets underway. It simply means a non-competitive part of a few miles at the start of a bicycle race.

nipple - The last part of the spoke (outer end) is threaded, and a unique nut known as a nipple fits through the rim and screws onto the spoke threads.

nirvana -   This term refers to the condition when cyclists are in absolute control and completely in tune with their bicycle, the trail, and physical strength.

no one else in the picture -   Winning a race solo, without any challenger in view. The "victory pose" displays only the winner.

NORBA -   Called "National Off-Road Bicycle Association", once a self-governing body of mountain bike racing in the United States, and then afterward the mountain bike racing division of USA Cycling (USAC).

nose wheelie -   Lifting the back wheel of the bicycle using the front brake and shifting the weight of rider forward.

nosepickium -   The crusties pick from a nose after a ride in a dirty environment.


O.D. -   This stands for "Off Day". Even the elite cyclists have them. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms and to back off when anyone is having an O.D.

off the back -   Also called OTB that denotes one or more cyclists who have failed to keep speed with the main group.

off the front -   When cyclist rolls away from the group on a preparation ride or race. It also denotes being well before the pack in a race. So, when cyclists attacked and no one stayed with him/her, he/she'd be off the front.

off-camber turn -   A turn that would generally be banked in the reverse direction, so the banking is the opposite of what would be predicted on a racetrack corner. The angle of the road is added to, instead of subtracted from, the lean angle. A cyclist needs to take these turns carefully for, among other things as their tread perhaps not widen far enough up the side.

omnium -   The term refers to a multiple race contest in track cycling.

on bread and water -   Among the best cyclists of the world, the term used for cyclists who didn’t use performance-enhancing drugs means he’s riding on bread and water.

on the rivet -   This tern means giving the utmost effort. When a cyclist is pressing hard they will scoot onward on the seat to press on the peddles with their hips over the peddles. This allows for maximum pressure on the peddles with high rpm too.

on your wheel -   This term denotes a condition where a cyclist gets very close to the rear wheel of the cyclist ahead of him/her. Used to tell the cyclist that you have placed yourself in their slipstream for optimal drafting.

onsight flash -   To clean a segment with no earlier knowledge of its layout or elements

organ donor -   Cycling jargon for someone who rides without wearing a helmet.

orthotics -   Custom-made supports worn in shoes that help in neutralizing biomechanical imbalances in the feet or legs.

out and back -   Refers to the tour where the comeback is a retracing of the route in.

over the bars -   When riders fall off their bicycle by going over the handlebars. This generally takes place when rider either hit something, lock their front brakes up or a stick goes through their front wheel.

overgear -   When a rider uses a gear ratio too high for the terrain or level of fitness.

overgeared -   A condition where the cyclist is using too high gear combination, which causes bogging out or needless fatigue.

overlap -   Riding in a place such that the top edge of one's front wheel is in front of the trailing edge of the back wheel of the bicycle immediately ahead. The overlap is generally dangerous due to the instability that results if the wheels rub and the truth that it permits the trailing rider to turn only in one direction (away from the wheel of the rider in front). It is a reason for crashes in road bicycle racing, so starting riders are advised to "protect their front wheel" (avoid overlap) whenever riding in a pack.

overlap wheels -   The dangerous condition of positioning yourself on a group rides so that your front wheel overlaps other rider's back wheel. If that rider swerves, their wheel will hit yours, and you will roughly always crash or eat it.

over-the-bar blood donor -   This refers to a rider who is hurt while doing an endo.

overtraining -   Deep-seated exhaustion, both physical and mental that occurred due to high-intensity training.

oxygen debt -   The deficiency of oxygen in the body due to strenuous physical activity.


paceline -   Group of cyclists riding at high speed by drafting one another. Cyclists will take turns at the facade to break the wind, and then turn to the back of the line to rest in the draft. Bigger group rides will usually form double pacelines with two columns of riders. Sometimes called "bit and bit"

pack -   The large core group in a road bicycle race. May also be called the peloton, field or bunch.

pack fodder -   The negative phrase used by aggressive riders about those riding with the group who never take a pull at the front.

palmares -   List of achievements, accomplishments, or wins of a bicycle racer.

panache -   A rider showing style and/or courage, for instance by breaking away, taking pulls at the front of the group, remounting after a crash, or riding while suffering pain.

panic skid -   Trying with all one's will and strength preventing an impending stack by trying to implant one's heels as intensely as possible in the ground. Generally not the best idea.

pannier -   A basket, box, bag, or alike container, carried inset fixed to the frame, handlebars, or on racks fixed over the wheels of a bicycle. Commuters use panniers to pack and take gear, clothing and other materials and goods.

Paris-Brest-Paris -   A long-distance cycling contest. It was initially a 1,200 km (750 mi) bicycle race from Paris to Brest and back to Paris in 1891.

Paris–Roubaix -   A one-day professional bicycle road race for men in northern France, which begins from north of Paris and ends in Roubaix, at the border with Belgium. Despite the value of the race, some cyclists dismiss it due to its difficult conditions.

pass -   It refers to the lowest passageway between two mountains. The mathematicians generally call this the saddle point.

patch kit -   A kit to repair flat tubes. It usually available in a small plastic box and contain patches, glue, and sandpaper.

pavement polish -   The short parallel grooves present on a bicycle. It's a costly component after wiping out and smearing all over the blacktop. Pavement polish is the bicycle equivalent of road rash.

peak -   A relatively small period during which high performance is achieved.

pedaling circles -   Refers to smooth and efficient pedaling. It is the way of implementing force all the way around your pedal stroke, rather than only pushing down.

pedaling squares -   This takes place when a cyclist is exhausted and not able to maintain an efficient pedaling form, which is strong and smooth.

peloton -   The main group or pack of riders in a road bicycle race. Riders in a line save energy by riding close to other riders. The peloton moves as an integrated unit with each rider take slight adjustments in response to their nearby riders (especially the one in front of them).

pep -   Derived from the famous nickname of a popular Latin American cyclist, this term is used as a verb meaning, “To imprecisely and heedlessly ford (like in a small body of water).”

phat -   This term is used to explain how exceptional something is like a "Phat Air" perhaps be a really styled out technique as well as being "large", which is, too high.

picking a line -   Planning the route of the bicycle by anticipating approaching terrain, or picking a bar room introduction.

pinch flat -   When you strike a sharp edge with your bicycle tire that causes a flat tire. A pinch flat is unique as there are generally two small holes side-by-side in an inner tube in a snakebite pattern.

piranha -   A type of theft, which specializes in stealing parts from parked and locked bicycles to the last point that very little is left of the bicycle.

pitch -   A short part of a technical road or trail.

pogo -   When cyclist lifts the front wheel of the bicycle in the air and jumps up and down on the back wheel while in a fixed position.

pokes -   Short for slowpokes. This is anyone, which always lingers in the back of the pack. This is not a crime.

pooter -   The electronic gizmo, which keeps track of the rider's speed, cadence, heart rate. Also called a brain.

portage -   When riders carry their bicycles.

poser -   Derogatory phrase for someone with expensive bicycles that never actually ride. Generally, present near a trailhead or coffee shop and never looks dirty or sweaty.

potato chip -   A wheel, which has been bent roughly, but not taco'd.

poursuivant -   The 'pursuing' cyclists who may be stuck between the tête de la course and the peloton - either due to they have been dropped by the former or have wrecked away from the latter.

powder run -   An extremely dirty and dusty section of the trail is called a powder run.

power -   The rate at which effectual energy is being transferred by the legs of riders. Calculated via a power meter and generally expressed in watts.

powerslide -   This term refers to a two-wheel sideways slide, in which the foot traveling in the opposite direction is kept on the ground. 

prang -   To bend or dent a portion of the bicycle or body. Also known as Aussie jargon for a crash.

Presta -   A valve's style generally found on high-pressure tubes, like the ones used on road bicycles.

pretzeled -   The condition wherein you find your frame after a less than successful try to mail it third class to Abu Dhabi or the condition both riders and their bicycle is found in after a hairy collision.

prime -   A special prize offered to the leader on chosen laps during a criterium, or the first cyclist to reach a particular landmark in a road or cross-country race.

prologue -   An ITT (individual time trial), less than 8 km (5 mi) which takes place before a stage race. It is used to find out which cyclist wears the leader's jersey on the first stage.

protected enclosure -   A form of traffic control wherein the complete road is closed to other traffic as the race passes any set point. The roads open again after the race passes.

protein -   Essential macronutrient for building muscle mass, tissue growth, and repair. Composed of structural units called amino acids. Consuming protein can help riders to recover quickly from accelerating muscle damage during training.

prune -   To use someone's bicycle or helmet to take away leaves and branches from the surrounding flora, generally unintentional.

psi -   Stands for pounds per square inch, which is the unit to measure the amount of air pressure in the tire. Air pressure will depend on the rider's weight, tire size, and type of terrain.

pull -   Leading on a paceline or echelon. To “take a pull” depict you are the one working the hardest as you are not gaining from drafting.

pull back time -   To pull back time means to make up time on another cyclist who is in front of G.C. "he has to "pull back" three minutes if he wishes to get in yellow".

pull it back -   When cyclist tries to reduce the lead of a breakaway.

pull off -   Moving to the side after riding in the lead so that other rider can come to the front.

pull through -   Taking the front position in a paceline after the prior leader has "pulled off" and left for the rear.

pump -   Bouncing a suspension fork in expectation of some useful effect, or to cheer excitement.

pumped -   The feeling of over-exhausted muscles, where they swell up, and strength disappears. 

puncheur -   A road bike racer who specializes in rolling terrain with small but steep climbs. Puncheurs are generally well built, with wider shoulders and bigger legs than the average-racing cyclist is.

purple ano -   Refers to anodized aluminum in purple. Some cyclists have to get as much of this as possible. It is also available in other colors, but they are of no effect here.

pursuit -   A track cycling contest where cyclists start on opposite sides of the track and race over a particular distance (4K for men, 3K for women). It is a thrilling contest to watch as you can see who is in front and a rider might even catch his opponent.

pusher -   A cyclist who pedals in a high gear at a comparatively slow cadence, relying on the gear size for speed.

push-push -   A pedaling motion of novice that consists of alternately pushing each foot down, rather than spinning.

Q quadriceps -   The large muscle before the thigh, the strength of which helps find out a cyclist’s ability to pedal with power.

queen stage -   A multi-day road race's stage that deemed the toughest, most demanding, and most prominent stage of the race.

quick release -   A bolt and cam lever, which allows riders to manually adjust the height of saddle or remove the wheels from the bike. Unbalance and twist to open the QR when required.

quick release skewer -    A mechanism to attach a wheel to a bicycle. It includes a rod threaded on one end and with a lever functioned cam assembly on the other.


R&D -   This term either stands for Ripoff & Duplication, or Research & Development.

RAAM -   Stands for the Race across America, which is an ultra-distance road-cycling race organized across the United States. It was started in 1982 as the Great American Bike Race.

radial spoking -   A pattern of spoke in which the spokes run straight from the hub to the rim without crossing other spokes.

rag dolly -   Wrecking in such a way that one person is tossed similar to a flimsy scrap of cloth.

railing -   Making quick and tough turns, as if you are on rails and are protected to traction loss.

rainbow jersey -   The jersey (the rainbow stripes i.e. green, yellow, black, red and blue) gained and worn by the world road-race champion.

rainbow stripes -   The world road-race champion's symbol generally used to beautify components and clothing correlated with the title. The stripe colors are generally red, green, yellow, black, and blue.

rake -   The distance between the axle of the wheel and the steering axis extension. This perhaps accomplished by bending the fork blades, or by joining the fork ends to the front of the blades, or by tilting the blades where they joined to the crown.

rally -   To ride extremely well, especially on difficult routes.

randonee -   A type of cross-country bicycle race contest. It is run as a lengthy recreational contest, lasting two or three days.

randonnee -   A long-distance event wherein cyclists must navigate a prescribed course while passing through intermediary checkpoints within definite time limits.

randonneur -   Refers to a cyclist who has successfully finished a 200-kilometer (120 mi) brevet.

RDS -   Stands for Rapid Deceleration Syndrome. Military phrase for the unexpected illness, which takes place when the free flight following a high-speed instinctive dismount is intermittent by something solid.

reach -   The combined length of a bicycle’s top tube and stem that find out the distance of cyclists to the handlebar.

rear triangle -   Bicycle frame's part that comprises of the seat tube, chainstays and seat stays. It is behind the frame's “main triangle,” which is fabricated of the seat tube, top tube, down tube and head tube.

recovery bar -   Energy food is eaten by a cyclist after rides to recover more fastly.

recovery drink -   An energy drink for cyclists after rides to recover more fastly.  

recumbent -   A bicycle where the cyclists are placed in a laid-back position, feet first and sitting in a seat rather than on a saddle. Generally used for ergonomics or aerodynamics. (Enclosed) recumbent bicycles hold all world land speed records, but these bicycles are not permitted in races governed by the UCI.

relay -   A specific kind of a time trial, wherein competitors cover long distances riding almost around the clock.

repair stand -   Also known as “work stand,” this is a support, which holds your bicycle in the air to make maintenance and repair simple.

repetition -   Each hard attempt in an interval workout. Also, one whole movement in a weight-training exercise; a rep for short.

resistance trainer -   A stationary training tool into which the bicycle is clamped. Pedaling resistance rises with pedaling speed to simulate real riding. Also called an indoor, wind, fluid, or mag trainer.

retro-grouch -   A cyclist who prefers an old bicycle with old components and is not fond of new, high-tech equipment.

rhoid buffing -   In mountain biking, to move down a hill so steep that riders butt touches the rear wheel.

Ride On -   A parting term used by cyclists without much else to say.

riding the pegs -   When cyclist stands on the pedals through uneven terrain.

rigid -   This refers to a bicycle that has no suspension system.

rim -   The outer edge of a wheel that holds the tire. It creates the outer circular design of the wheel on which the inner edge of the tire is mounted.

rim strip -   If the internal part of the rim where the interior tube fits have spoken holes, a rim tape or strip, usually rubber, cloth, or tough plastic is used to cover them. The benefit of this system is that the internal tube can be accessed easily in case of leaking to be patched or replaced.

road captain -   The name for the cyclist who organizes a multiple-bicycle ride. This refers to either the leader or the sweepers who, among their other work, check that other cyclists are safe.

road race -   A mass-begin race on pavement, which goes from point to point, covers one big loop longer than criteriums.

road rash -   A colloquial phrase for skin injury caused by scratch with road surfaces, often because of cycling accidents.

roadie -   A dedicated road cyclist, also known as road geek. They know what is going on in the cycling world and could perhaps train a rookie biker a thing or two about steeds and riding tips.

rock garden -   A section present on some mountain biking trails with many rocks, designed to test a mountain biker's capability to ride over it skillfully.

rock-ectomy -   Removing rocks, dust, gravel from one's person after a yard sale.

rocket fuel -   The mandatory coffee before the ride.

rockwell -   A kind of trainer composed of rolling cylinders under the back wheel connected to a single rolling cylinder under the front wheel that permits the cyclist to practice balance while training indoors.

rollers -   An indoor practicing device that consists of three long cylinders connected by belts. Both bicycle wheels roll on these cylinders in order to have balancing like actual riding.

rolling enclosure -   It is a type of traffic control in which escort automobile form a caravan leading and following a group of racers. The enclosure put aside a moving part of the roadway toward the race for the special use of cyclists. Racers inside the enclosure are not liable to follow the standard road rules. Racers are not permitted to cross the centerline unless the whole road is traffic controlled. It is the distinctive traffic control used to run a road race.

ROMP -   A Silicon Valley association teaching mountain bicycling skills, arranging rides, and active in trail politics. Its full form is Responsible Organized Mountain Pedalers.

roof rack -   The frame, which helps the bicycle to be transported and permit complete access to the trunk, unlike the hitch-mounted alternatives. A roof bicycle rack ensures that the bicycle travels safely without any dents or scratches.

rookie mark -   This term refers to the patterned grease spots left on a leg of rider after unintentionally pressing against the chainring. Also known as chainring tattoo.

roost -   Dirt kicked up behind a cyclist as they ride to one side into a corner.

rooster trail -   A water spray flung off the rear wheel as the bicycle rolls through water. Particularly prominent on bicycles without fenders.

rotating weight -   Weight, which is turning while the bicycle is moving, especially the wheels. A weight near the outer edge of a wheel has about double the stored energy of a related non-rotating weight moving at the same speed. The first main concern has to be rotating weight, of which the wheels take up the highest proportion on a bicycle. It is said that ‘an ounce off the wheels is worth a pound off the frame’.

rotor -   It is a variable-angle bicycle crank. 

rouleur -   A cyclist who performs well on the flat and rolling terrain. In French, this term means having wheels or to roll. These riders are considered a good all-rounder and be likely to have a large power-to-frontal-area ratio.

route sheet -   A map provided at the start of organized rides, which simply lists every turn on the racecourse and the distance to it. Much simple to follow while riding by using a map, also known as a “turn sheet.”

RPM -   Stands for Revolution per Minute, for perspective, in the world of cycling the phrase “cadence” can be referred to as the revolutions per minute (rpm) of the cranks as a result of cyclists pedaling.

rude drop-off -   An unexpected drop on the trail of two feet or more.


saddle -   Also called bicycle seat, where back ends can rest while the legs turn away.

saddle sores -   Skin issues in the crotch, which grow from chafing caused by the pedaling movement. Sores can vary from tender raw spots to boil-like lesions if the disease takes place.

saddle time -   Time spent on cycling. As the rider gets older, the pressure on their time increases and it can sometimes be difficult to get time for a decent ride.

SAG wagon -   Supporting vehicles used during cycling contests, designed to carry food and other equipment for competitors, and to lift up and carry any rider who cannot ride more.

schmooz -   The act of getting a trailhead and not riding. What should do when one really can't stand the thought of beginning a ride.

schrader -   An inner tube valve similar to those present on car tires.

schwag -   The free giveaways and samples that producers and vendors donate during bike-related events. When you compete, go to bicycle shows, help put on a contest, write bicycle articles, you are generally rewarded with schwag.

scratch -   The last cyclist to depart in a handicap race.

scratch race -   A track cycling race wherein all cyclists start together and the aim is simply to be first over the finish line after a specific number of laps.

scream -   To ride very fast.

screamer -   An extremely, extremely high dropoff.

sealant -   Usually, a latex-based liquid with some kind of small particle mixed in that's place inside tubes and tubeless tires to glue flats before they can happen. The sealant elements seal the hole almost quickly so riders can keep on riding.

sealed bearings -   Many bearings need periodic maintenance to stop premature failure, but many others need little maintenance. The latter comprises various fluid and magnetic bearings along with rolling-element bearings, which are described with phrase sealed bearing and sealed for life.

seat -   Also known as a saddle, one of five contact points on a bicycle. Generally refers to the bicycle part where back ends can rest while the legs spin away.

seat bag -   A small luggage accessory hung from the back of a seat

seat tube -   The part of the bicycle frame which contains the Seatpost that connects to the saddle. The height of the saddle is adjustable by varying how far the Seatpost is inserted into the seat tube.

seatpost -   The thin frame tube, which expands from the back dropout to the top of the seat tube. There is a seat stay on every side of the back wheel.

seatstay -   A rupture of the sesamoid bone(s) at the rear of the fetlock joint. Often take place at the end of a race or workout when the horse is exhausted.

semi-loop -   Loop trip with a part of out and back fixed.

service course -   A command midpoint where bicycles are maintained between races in preparation for the next race.

sew-up glue -   The adhesive applied on the rim and tire to mount a sew-up tire (generally known as “tubular tire”).

sew-up tire -   Tubular racing tires, which are glued onto the rims. These tires feature a casing, which is sewn around the tube. Professional road racers support tubular as these tires are very lightweight and have a round cross-section, which enhances ride quality.

shapes -   To pull or throw shapes is pedaling in an awkward and un-fluid way because of exertion. It indicates that a cyclist is about to crack or has cracked.

shelled -   A cyclist having very difficult keeping up with a rapid pace race in a way they did not expect. A cyclist who is shelled probably uses entire energy so they have nothing left for the end sprint, drop back out of contention, or dump the race overall.

shifter -   A component utilized by the cyclist to control the gearing mechanisms and pick the desired gear ratio. It is generally connected to the derailleur via a mechanical actuation cable.

Shimano -   Brand, which makes different cycling products like wheels, brakes, pedals, etc., however, well known for their drivetrain components.

shimmy -   A term used to describe the shaking of the bicycle that usually takes place at high speed. Shimmy can be extremely scary and can cause loss of control.

side-pull caliper -   The most common brakes present on quality road bicycles. These brakes are designed in such a way that one braking surface contacts the rim first, advancing brake modulation.

Silhouette Engineering -   Cycling wear. Proprietary technology invented by Pactimo, which makes bib shorts even more comfy in your riding position.

single-butted -   To tube with an advanced wall thickness at only one end, for example, a seat tube on a quality frame.

singles -   Australian use this term to represent tubular tires.

singlespeed -   An off-road bicycle with just one gear. Not usually build for racing, these bicycles sometimes house mudguard and pannier mounts that make them perfect commuting bikes.

singletrack -   A trail very narrow where two cyclists cannot easily ride side by side makes passing difficult or impossible.

SIS -   Short for Shimano Indexed Shifters, in which rider clicks the shifter and the gears change rapidly and accurately. It is the opposite of friction shifting.

sit bones -   The two skeletal points of the pelvis, which rest on the bicycle seat. For maximum relieve, you want a seat having an appropriate width to support and pad your sit bones. The “sitz bones” and “ischial tuberosities” are its alternative terms.

sit on a wheel -   Riding in someone’s draft.

sit up -   If cyclists ease their efforts in a race and stop pulling or maintaining the speed of the group, the cyclist is said to have sat up.

sit-on and sit-in -    To ride at the back of another rider without taking a turn on the front, generally in training for an attack or sprint finish.

sitting in -   To be an indolent sot who does not take their turn at the front of a paceline. It can be employed as an approach to tire one's opponent.

sketching -   The action of riding along dangerously and near falling.

skid lid -   Slang used for a bicycle helmet.

skid row -   The trail's section, which nobody ever imagined or remembers that always appears unexpectedly when riding very fast. Generally switchbacks. Named after the entire skid tracks left there from earlier riders.

skipping -   This refers to a sign of a worn drivetrain. When cyclists experience an unexpected and disconcerting lurch in the pedal stroke (as cog not carried properly) with a bizarre popping sound when trying to pedal hard. This is because the chain rides up and above the teeth on the cog and slams back down again.

sky -   To jump very high. To get high air.

slicks -   A type of tire without a tread pattern, generally remain “bald.

slingshot -   When rider riding up behind another rider by the help from his draft and then utilize the force to sprint past.

slipstream -   The lead rider in a race pushes through the air in front of them that diverts the airstream around the sides of the bicycle. This trouble in the airflow develops turbulence and a pocket of decreased or negative air pressure in the stir of the bicycle. This region of lower pressure is called the slipstream where a cyclist needs less effort due to less drag.

snake bite -   An alternate term for pinch flat. An internal puncture takes place when you strike a sharp edge, for example, a pothole, and the internal tube gets pinched on the rim, which causes it to puncture.

snap -   The skill to accelerate extremely fast.

snowmine -   An object concealed by snow on the trail.

soft break -   A breakaway, which is allowed to go from the peloton in a stage race as it poses no tactical threat to any of the main competitors on GC. In French terms, it is known as "dishonest break".

soft-pedal -   Rotating the pedals without applying more power.

softtail -   The term used for describing a motorcycle frame with an active suspension. Whether it is an A-frame or swing-arm configuration, the values are the same.

soigneur -   Someone who provides training, massage, and other assistance to a team, particularly during a race.

soil sample -   An alternate term for a face plant which means striking the ground face first.

solvent -   Drip liquid or spray, which penetrates and cuts developed grime and grease. It is useful for cleaning drivetrain components. Also known as “degreaser.

SPD -   Stands for Shimano Pedaling Dynamics, even called an SPD system, denoting clipless bicycle pedals.

speed -   The skill to speed up quickly and maintain a very quick cadence for short periods.

speed check -   If a rider is approaching a jump too fast, he/she may have to slow down by making a quick speed check. Simple means, braking.

speedwork -   A general phrase for high-velocity training for example sprints, time trials, and motor pacing. Use this practice to improve your acceleration and top-end speed.

spider -   The five-(or four) split section or attachment on the drive-side crank onto which the chainrings are screwed.

spike -   To get a chainring tattoo on the rear of the calf, generally the result of a newbie attempting to dab or panic skid at high speeds.

spin -   Smooth pedal motion or pedaling with a quick cadence. In two ways, you can make a bike go by either pedaling a top gear at a relatively low cadence or pedaling a low gear at a faster cadence. Spin learning is important because a quick cadence means the effort each leg has to make is divided into minor units.

spindle -   An axle around which a pedal revolves, corded at one end to screw into crank arms.

spinner -   A rider pedaling in a moderate gear at a quite fast cadence, relying on pedal rpm for speed.

spinout -   This refers to the loss of traction in the back tire that causes wheel spinning with no onward movement of the bicycle, generally while climbing on loose gravel.

splatter -   Striking a trail decoration subsequent an involuntary dismount.

spoke wrench -   A small tool, which grips the spoke nipples and helps in tightening or loosening the spokes to align the wheel.

spokes -   The number of metal rods that connect the rim to the hub of a bicycle wheel.

sports tourer -   A type of bicycle, which offers a lively ride and has a good load-carrying capacity. Sports tourers are perfect for “credit card touring” (traveling at an excellent clip with a small load and spending nights in hotels). They often comprise wide-range gears for smooth hill climbing.  

spring planting -   This refers to a face plant that means hitting the ground face first.

sprint -   This term either refers to an all-out quick burst of speed at the finish of a race to go for the win or in track cycling, it is a type of race wherein two riders compete for a one-on-one. Unlike pursuits, the cyclists begin next to each other in a sprint race.

sprinter -   Someone who can end a race very explosively by rapidly accelerating to a high speed, generally using the slipstream of another cyclist or group of cyclists strategically to conserve energy. They are called track racer or road bicycle racer.

sprints -   British use this term for tubular tires.

sprocket -   A profiled wheel having teeth, or cogs, which engage with a chain, track or other perforated or indented material. The term 'sprocket' related to any wheel upon which radial projections connect a chain passing over it.

spuds -   Clipless pedals by Shimano brand. They are very popular that some riders prefer to all clipless pedals as “SPDs” or “spuds.”

squares -   Related to shapes. Pedaling squares depict the cyclist is struggling, pushing a top gear with no élan and generally under pressure.

squirrel -   Cyclists tending to swerve suddenly and maintain unpredictable speed. Considered unsafe to follow at close range for the reason for drafting.

squirrelly -   The action of riding like a squirrel is termed as squirrelly.

stack -   The vertical distance, from the mid of the bottom bracket/crank of the frame to the top middle point of the head tube (generally measured in centimeters).

stage -   This term refers to one section of a multi-day race, for example, the Tour de France.

stage race -   A multi-day event, which consists of various types of races. The winner will be the cyclist who has the lowest elapsed time for all races (stages). The most recognize stage race is The Tour de France.

stagiaire -   An amateur cyclist, who joins a professional team during the season. This helps the cyclist get some experience at riding a few pro races, and the team has a chance to evaluate his/her abilities.

stainless steel -   A steel alloy that contains 10-20% chromium along with other alloying elements. It is rust-resistant, and very tough, best for applications where surface hardness is very important, such as bearings. The main bicycle component of stainless steel is spokes.

stair gap -   A free ride phrase for a landing about, when cycling off a set of stairs.

stayer -   A special branch of cycling (motor-paced racing), which once packed huge stadiums and had its world title. Stayer races are still there, like all branches of cycling, stayer bicycles have made — with disc wheels replacing spokes.

steed -   This refers to the rider's bicycle, the reason for their existence.

steerer tube -   Refers to the fork column. The fork's part inserted into the head tube of the frame and generally used to join the fork to the frame using a headset.

stem -   The component, which connects the handlebars to the steerer tube of the bicycle fork.

STI -   Stands for Shimano Total Integration (STI), a gearshift system invented by Shimano for racing bicycles. It merges the braking and gear shifting controls into one component. This help shifting gears without any need of removing a hand from the bars, not like earlier down tube shifting systems.

sticky bottle -   A technique generally used by the cyclist who takes food and water from the team car during a race. The cyclist holds on the bottle for a variable amount of time as the car occupant manages his grasp on the object, efficiently dragging the athlete. This concerted action offers the rider a moment to relax.

stiction -   When friction affects a suspension fork travel by making it sticky instead of smooth.

stoked -   An alternate phrase for the word psyched. Simply refers to be excited.

stoker -   On conventional tandems, the rear rider who only pedals, but don't steer is known as the stoker.

stoned -   This term describes cyclists after a crash that imbeds stones into their skin.

straight block -   A cassette wherein each cog is only one tooth larger than the earlier one. Also called a corncob.

superman -   When a cyclist takes both feet off the pedals and extends them outwards that reminds us of Superman in flight.

suppleness -   A well-conditioned leg muscles, which help the cyclist to pedal at high cadence with smoothness and power. Also denote by the French phrase, souplesse. It occurs by hours of high-cadence riding or by riding a fixed gear, like on a track bicycle.

swag -   The stuff, which manufacturers and vendors donate at bicycle events.

swing off -   When a rider who has been pulling other riders leaves the front of the pack by steering his bicycle to the side.


table-top -   A jump wherein the cyclist throws the bicycle sideways in mid-air. Less known as, jumping over a hill, reaching a plateau, and going, back down.

taco -   When the wheel of the bicycle gets bent to an extent that it seems like a taco.

taco’d -   This term is used for describing a seriously damaged wheel, which appears folded over like a taco.

take a flyer -   To rapidly sprint away from a group.

taking a pull -   When a rider goes to the front of the group and stays there for a while to give followers a rest.

tandem -   A bicycle fabricated for two. Firmly only a bicycle where the cyclists are positioned in-line, or else it is sociable.

tapered steerer -   A modern fork design in which the fork steerer tube's base has a larger diameter than the top. This hardens the front end without adding up weight and enhance handling and sprinting. Typically, it weighs 1 1/8 inch at the top and 1 1/2 at the bottom, but other sizes are available.

tea party -   When an entire group of cyclists stops and chats, and nobody seems to wish to ride on.

team -   A group of expert cyclists. Usually, one cyclist will be the team leader and the others will play be supporters, though the group itself will be comprised of a mix of cyclists from the different specializations.

team time trial -   A road-based bicycle race wherein teams race against the clock. The winning team can find out by comparing the times of (generally) the fourth-finishing rider in each team, which means each team will have to get their first four cyclists across the end line in a tight group.

tech -   Refers to a professional bicycle mechanic, present at a race.

technical -   An uneven trail or area of the road, which needs good balance and concentration.

technical assistance zone -   A designated segment along the course of a mountain bicycle or cyclocross race along which cyclists are permitted to take technical assistance (tools, spare parts, or mechanical work) from other people. In cyclocross racing, it is known as the "pit". A technical assistance zone is not available in every mountain biking race, cyclists have to carry whatever tools and spare parts they might need with them. A rider taking technical assistance outside of the designated zone can be disqualified.

techno-weenie -   A cyclist who is aware more about the newest MTB parts and techno-fads as compared to the trails. Somewhere similar to poseur.

tempo -   The intensity of a usual brisk group ride, a paceline or a ride, riders might do on their own when they are under time constraints and have to end quickly, but don’t wish to go so hard that they blow up.

tempo pace -   An exertion level just below the cyclist's anaerobic threshold. Referring point in training that denotes the maximum level of exertion a rider can sustain.

tester -   The name offered to a trialist. A time-trialist who is over-specialize in the discipline.

tête de la course -   A French term, which means “head of the race,” and refers to the rider or riders who are ahead of everyone at any point in the race.

thrash -   This term either refers to beat on a bicycle or component by banging it around or riding hard or refers to poor riding skills.

thread less headset -   A kind of steering mechanism (known as a “headset”), which is well-matched with a fork that has a steerer (the topmost tube), which is unthreaded. These are generally on most mountain and road bicycles.

three-hour tour -   A ride, which seemed like pie at the beginning but turns out to be a death ride.

throw the bike -   A racing method wherein a rider thrusts the bicycle ahead of his or her body at the finish line, gaining quite a few inches in expectation of winning a close sprint.

ti -   Generally pronounced, “tie,” the periodic-table short form for titanium, and just about the only chemistry-class sign, which a cyclist should add into the conversation.

ticket collector -   A cyclist who sits at the rear of a breakaway but does not take a pull. Therefore, the cyclist gets a free ride like a ticket collector on a train who rides free.

tifosi -   This term is generally used to describe supporters (fans) along the roadside at professional road cycling races in Italy, for example, Tirreno–Adriatico, Milan–San Remo, etc.

time trial -   A form of bicycle racing wherein individual cyclists or teams are sent out at breaks to cover a particular distance on a road course. The challenger with the quickest time for the distance wins.

time trialist -   A road bike racer who can keep high speeds for long periods of time, to capitalize on performance during individual or team time trials. Cronoman, or chronoman, can also be used to refer a time trialist.

to stick the knife in -   To end off a group of cyclists who are about to crack. The performer is well known about his and competitor's ability, most probably after making them undergo many accelerations. The ensuing aggressive acceleration that causes dropped competitors is termed as "sticking the knife in".

toe clips -   A thin metal or plastic add-on to the front cage of the pedal, which has a shape like the toe of a shoe. It prevents a rider's shoe from slipping off the pedal during the onward pedaling movement.

tombstone -   This refers to the small rocks protruding out of the trail that rider does not notice as they are having a heart attack climbing the hill.

top tube -   The part of the bicycle frame, which joins the head tube to the seat tube. The top tube possibly positioned parallel to the ground, or it may slant downwards towards the seat tube for further stand-over clearance.

topo -   This term defines the United States Geological Survey topographic map.

tops -   A drop handlebar's part, which is between the stem and the brake levers.

tornado -   Balancing on a front-wheel while rotating a back wheel 90-180 degrees in either direction.

track -   A course designed especially for racing. Bicycling or cycle tracks are generally known as velodromes.

track bike -   A bicycle designed for track (also known as "velodrome") racing. These bikes look like road-racing models but have only one gear and no brakes.

Track Left -   Rider passing another rider must yell a right term such as “Passing on your left” or “Track left.”

Track Right -   A sign to the slowpoke ahead to checkout for a hidden turnoff to the left, so he will get the hell out of your path as there is not any room to pass on singletrack anyhow.

track stand -   A technique used to the cyclist to maintain balance while their bicycle remains motionless or moves only minimal distances. The technique first invented in track cycling wherein cyclists stop for a short time without keeping a foot on the ground.

track wobble -   When the cyclist stops the bicycle and try to stand still, but cannot do it very well.

trail -   The distance between the points made by the projection of the bicycle steer tube axis to the ground and the contact patch of a tire. It finds out how a bicycle will steer. A bicycle having many trails will be “stable” and having minimal trail will be “nimble”.

trail angel -   A generous person or group of folks that do acts of kindness to the person on long hiking, biking, or mountain biking trails.

trail swag -   Tools or components dropped by other riders and found on the trail.

train -   A process in stage races to get a sprinter to the lead of a bunch sprint and launched. The team of sprinter will form a line, generally within five kilometers of the finish, and take turns to develop speed.

trainer -   A piece of equipment on which a bicycle stands that helps the rear wheel to spin while the bicycle is stationary, permitting stationary riding. These are generally used when the outside condition is not appropriate.

training effect -   The impact of exercise done with a great intensity that brings out positive physiological changes.

travel -   The maximum distance a fork or back shock can compress in suspensions.

trials -   The skill of hopping onto large objects on a bicycle, for those who cannot go fast and have no patience. It is just the opposite of Time Trials.

triathlon -   A multisport race with 3 constant and chronological endurance races. While variations of the game exist, the most general form includes swimming, cycling, and running over different distances. Triathletes compete for the quickest finish, including timed changes between the three races. A transition part is set up where the participant change gear for special segments of the race such as from swimming to cycling and cycling to running.

tricked out -   When a bicycle has the newest and modern components.

triple -   Either termed as triple chainring or a bicycle made for three people also called a “triplet.”

triple-butted -   The tube, generally of an aluminum alloy, has three diverse thicknesses, with the thicker parts at the end where they are welded.

true sprinter -   A rider who shines mainly in sprint finishes on flat to uphill terrain. Often too deep to compete in longer or steeper uphill racecourses. Also called an old school sprinter.

truing stand -   An apparatus, which holds a wheel and includes indicators, making it easy for a mechanic to remove wheel wobbles and hops. It is even used for truing and tensioning new wheels.

tubular -   A lightweight tire, which has its tube sewn inside the casing. Also known as a sew-up. The tire is generally glued to the rim.

tubular tyres -   Bicycle tires in which the inner tube is permanently stitched inside the casing. They are fixed in place using glue or glue-tape and are stick to rims that lack the sidewalls feature of a hook-bead rim.

tuck -   A riding pose, usually a twisted one with the head and torso low, back flat, and arms close in for aerodynamics.

turbo-trainer -   A device, which enables you to ride your bicycle, stationary, indoors. It is the de facto training equipment for the months of winter and for warming up before a race. This device is clamped around the fast release skewer of a bicycle’s rear wheel suspending it in an A-frame.

turkey -   An unskilled cyclist who has never been on a bicycle before.

turn -   A turn means a rider distributing the workload on a paceline "he took a turn" or "he is carrying out a lot of turns on the front". In a breakaway, the cyclist, anticipate sharing the work equally in "turns".

turnaround -   The point where the cyclist overturns direction on an out-and-back time trial course.

tweak -   This term describes in three ways:

1. A jump during which the cyclist twists the handlebars backward and forward in mid-air, the more times the better.

2. To slightly hurt a part of the body or the bicycle in a crash.

3. Making a minor adjustment.


UCI -   The world's governing body, which manages international competitive cycling events, called The Union Cycliste Internationale. It is located in Aigle, Switzerland. The UCI provides racing licenses to riders and implements disciplinary rules, such as in matters of doping. This governing body even manages the classification of races and the points ranking system in different cycling disciplines for both men and women, amateur and professional. It also manages the World Championships.

ultra cycling -   Used to explain the side of the sport involving the longest endurance contest. Also known as an ultramarathon.

Ultramarathon Cycling Association -   An organization, which sanctions the event, keep record and information for ultra riders.

unobtanium -   This term is used to describe a bicycle or accessory made from costly, high-tech material.

unweight -   The act of shortly lightening the bicycle through an arrangement of body movement and position. It’s essential to jumping over things like potholes or railroad tracks.

upshift -   When cyclist shifts to a higher gear, which is a smaller cog or larger chainring.

upstroke - When a cyclist pulls up on the pedal.

urban -   Alternatively called a city bike, which is created to be ridden on the road utilizing components of a mountain bicycle, like a hybrid bicycle.

USA Cycling -   Cycling Organization in USA works with elected staff in a consultative capacity to create plans, rules, strategies, and policies for the growth and process of each of their own disciplines.

USAC -   The national organization, which governs professional and amateur bicycle racing in the United States. Called USA Cycling, Inc. that includes the USCF, NCCA, NORBA, and USPRO organizations.

USCF -   The organization, which governs amateur road, cyclocross, and track racing in America. A division of USA Cycling called U.S. Cycling Federation.

USPRO -   An organization, which is responsible for bicycle racing in America. A division of USA Cycling called U.S. Professional Racing Organization.


Valve cap -   The small screw-on caps, which fit on top of valve stems.

valve core -   The mechanism within the valve stem, which allows air in and keeps it from leaking out. Replaceable cores are present on all Schrader valves, but only on some Prestas.

valve nut -   Generally metal nut, which threads down the exterior of a Presta valve stem to grasp the stem in position against the rim while the tire is inflated. Sometimes it's required, and sometimes it simply gets in the way.

valve stem -   A self-contained valve that opens to own up gas to a chamber (for example air to inflate a tire), and then automatically closed and reserved sealed by the pressure in the chamber, to stop the gas escape. They are mainly used in bicycle tires.

V-brake -   Trademark by Shimano, commonly called "Linear-pull brakes" or "direct-pull brakes" are a side-pull edition of cantilever brakes and mount on the similar frame bosses. However, their arms are longer, with the cable housing fixed to one arm and the cable to the other. This is considered as the most powerful type of rim brake.

vegetable tunnel -   Singletrack, which is highly overgrown with foliage, so a cyclist must duck and bend to get through it.

velo -   This refers to a two-wheeled bicycle (a bit fancy).

velodrome -   Track cycling arena Modern velodromes have steeply banked oval tracks, including two 180-degree circular bends, joined by two straights. The straights move to the circular turn via a moderate easement curve.

VeloNews -   An American cycling magazine, published by Pocket Outdoor Media, having headquartered out of Boulder, CO.

velo-porn -   Full-page, 4-color advertisements of giblets in cycling magazines. It can produce giblet lust, giblet envy, and in serious cases, feelings of bicycle insufficiency.

vertical dropouts -   A type of rear dropouts, which have a vertical notch for the axle to mount into, and the position of an axle is not adjustable. You cannot pull out the position of an axle with vertical dropouts, even if it is not accurately secured.

VO -   The maximum amount of oxygen consumed by a rider during extreme exertion. This is the main indicator of a rider's potential in cycling.

VO2 Max -   This term is used to describe maximum oxygen consumption that simply means the maximum amount of oxygen used by the body for maximal continual power output (exercise). Since our body utilizes oxygen to convert food into energy, the more oxygen we can take up, the more energy, power, or speed we can produce during a race.

void -   Emptying the contents of anyone’s bladder.

VTT -   Stands for Vélo Tout Terrain, a mountain bicycle with a strong frame and thick tires.

Vuelta a España -   In Spain, there is a multi-stage bicycle race organized annually, however, it is now organized in nearby countries. This race was initially organized in 1935 after seeing the success of the Giro d'Italia and the Tour de France.

vultures -   Race spectators who line up at a technical point of the racecourse where a crash more frequently takes place. They gather there in hopes of seeing blood.


wack -   This term is used to describe something, which is not good. “It's quite wack that my bicycle broke in two.”

wall -   A road, which looks like it goes straight up, as it practically does. Normally used for grades steeper than ten percent, depending on the area.

wang chung -   Hitting one's crotch part on the top tube or headset, generally during a crash.

wash out -   To lose grip while going around a turn. When the front tire loses traction, particularly while going around a corner or when unintentionally locked.

washboard -   Small, regular folds of the soil surface, which make for an extremely rough ride.

water carrier -   Refers to a teammate who is ready to offer assistance to his team leader at the cost of his own dreams – if essential by sacrificing wheels or other parts from his bicycle or perhaps to step into the leaders spot if they are forced to give up the contest. In French, they are called a 'Domestique'

watt -   Pushing pedals produces major watts, which is the unit to describe cycling power. So the extra oomph applied to the pedals, the better the wattage.

weight weenie -   This term was used for someone who got too obsessed with the weight of his or her bicycle. They were deemed to spend more time distressing about the weight of their bicycle instead of riding it.

wheelbase -   The horizontal space between the centers (or the land contact points) of the front and back wheels. The wheelbase has the main influence on the longitudinal steadiness of a bicycle, with the height of the center of mass of the combined bicycle and cyclist.

wheelie -   To lift the front wheel and ride on the back wheel only. Simply means the action of riding on the back wheel only, generally with some blend of pulling on the handlebars, pedaling harder, and balance.

wheelsucker -   A cyclist who sits on the back wheel of others in a group or on another cyclist, liking the draft but not working. Also called leech, leeching.

white knuckle -   Rapidly descending on a trail, which is sheer gonzo when riders were expecting a cake walk.

wick -   A feature of some good bicycle clothing. The fabric soaks up moisture and takes it away from the skin keeping rider's dry and comfortable.

wild pigs -   Brake pads, which are poorly adjusted and squeal in use.

wind up -   Fixed acceleration to a determined effort.

windchill -   The air effect across the skin that makes the temperature feels colder than reality. A cyclist makes a windchill even on a calm day, a condition, which should be considered when dressing for winter rides.

winky -   Called a reflector, which has to be fixed to the back of a bicycle and the front and back of each pedal.

winter bike -  A racing bike adapted for use in winter seasons. Normally, these are reasonably priced and include mudguards, which are not often present on their new summer counterparts.

wipe out -  Refers to crash.

wipeout -  This term is used to describe a crash.

with -  This term is used in context for example "riding with" and "finished with" means "next to each other or one following another, close enough to be drafting".

WOL -  Either this term refers to wide outside lane (WOL) or wide curb lane (WCL), a farthest lane of a roadway, which is broad enough to be safely shared side by side by a bicycle and a broad motors at the same time. Cyclists and bicycle transportation planners in the United States generally use these terms.

WOMBATS -  A cycling group formed by Jacquie Phelan, called as Women's Mountain Bike and Tea Society.

wonky -  Anything, which is off-kilter when cycling, it can be a bicycle part or mood of other rider, is considered wonky.

work -  To work is to perform "turns on the front", to help a group of cyclists by distributing the workload of working against air resistance by "pulling on the front" of the group. Like pull. Often used meaningfully in blend with other expressions: E.g., "He has not performed any work all day, simply sat on the breakaway." Working is applicable in many contexts in the peloton and road racing.

working together -  An important method in cycling, which means riding with at least one other cyclist and sharing turns in front jamming the wind so both can rest frequently and maintain a good speed as compared to riding alone.

workstand -  A tool (repair stand), which holds your bicycle firmly and off the floor so doing repair and maintenance work become easy.

wrench -  A tool, which offer grip and mechanical help in applying torque to rotate objects—generally rotary fasteners, for example nuts and bolts—or keep them from turning.


Y wrench - Y-shaped tool used to open star-shaped torx bolts on bicycle.

yard sale -  A horrendous collide that leaves all your different “wares” — water bottles, pump, tool bag, etc. — spread as if on display for sale.

yellow jersey -  Refers to the maillot jaune, it, is the signature jersey of the Tour de France. It is given after each of the 20 stages, or race days, to the cyclist who is the overall leader of the race so far.

yellow line rule -  One of several rules in the road-cycling rulebook planned to keep cyclist safe. It is a safety rule planned to keep cyclist from crossing the yellow centerline on the road. Punishment for violating this rule may be a time penalty, being demote to the back of the pack or even leads to disqualification.


zip tie -  Refers to a plastic fastener mainly intended for bundling electrical wiring mutually and useful for protecting cables and other items to bicycles. It includes a toothed plastic strip with a one-way ratcheting hole at one end.

zone out -  A state of mind in which riders think they have reached The Zone, but they just stopped paying attention to what they are doing. Generally used as a justification for embarrassing biff.

Zone, the -  Mental state of cyclist while riding. They don’t think must, they just perform. An exact Zen experience is impossible to explain, but when they get there, they will know it and try hard to reach it again.

zonk -  A condition of unexpected exhaustion and loss of energy, usually caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. Similar to Bonk.

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